Traditional Natural Therapies Healing Centre in Brisbane For Women by Women

Motion is True Lotion to the body

To PeelExercising outside can be exhilarating and challenging in equal measures. But once we have faced our fears, whatever they may be and taken that first step, the rewards both physically and mentally are superb.

Charmaine, our lead practitioner is a keen paddler. Although only very slight in stature, she regularly gets out on the bay with her Canoe Club in a wide range of weathers. Often she is the only lady in the group and it would be easy for her to give into negative thoughts that say “your too small to keep up with the men” “it’s too windy, you’re not strong enough to manage” and so on.

However, tenacious and persistence has overcome the fears and developed skills and confidence on the water. These skills flow over into her daily life, be it at work or at home.

Last weekend she headed out on the bay with eleven men for a 26km trip around Peel Island. The conditions were tough, with choppy seas with headwinds. However keeping up and the group persistant work with support of each other they had a great trip.

The wind was behind on the return leg which gave them a chance to pop up their sails. This gave Charmaine a chance to reflect on her day. Exercising outside brings benefits to the body, beyond the physical work. It allows valuable time to connect with nature. Additionally getting out in a group can provide great support and friendship, allowing you to achieve so much more than on your own.

Modern life leads us to spend too long sitting, often looking at screens, in climate controlled rooms under artificial light. Therefore, take the time each day to be outside and move your body. Turn off all the distractions and enjoy the feeling of movement and appreciate the world around you. You will be amazed what life can be.




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