Traditional Natural Therapies Healing Centre in Brisbane For Women by Women

Breast Checks

Did you know your breasts could cost you $35,000 or more?

Most woman have been touched by breast cancer in some way and have seen the physical, emotional and financial effects of this vicious disease on a friend or family member.

There are a number of different things that can affect the health of your breasts, some of these include:

  • Trauma or accidents
  • Incorrect nutrition which affects your whole health, particularly your liver energy
  • Using unhealthy deodorants that contain aluminium can block your lymphatic ducts
  • Ill-fitting bras can create tension and stuck energy around your breasts
  • Stress and anger – the liver meridian flows into the nipple and the energy of the liver and anger are closely associated

Our breasts are composed of fibrous tissue, iodine and lymph glands. Over the course of our lives our breasts change due to our monthly cycles, pregnancy, breast feeding and menopause. It is important that we are aware of these changes and of what is normal and what is not.

Undertaking regular breast checks and breast massages will keep your breasts healthy and alert you to any unusual changes.

Breast Massage

Massaging your breasts on a regular basis will keep the lymph glands working, rid your breasts of toxins and help to avoid any blockages, which can lead to the development of cancer.

Follow these massage steps twice a day:

  1. Place your right hand under your left breast and gently slide your fingers upwards around the outer edge of your breast to the top, then place your left hand under your left breast and slide your fingers towards the centre of your ribcage along the edge of your breast to the top. Repeat three times.
  1. Hold your left hand at the base of your breast, while you gently push the right hand over the top of your breast, from the centre of your ribcage to under your left arm pit. Repeat three times.
  1. Repeat on the other breast


Breast Checks

Check your Breasts Daily! Before you get out of bed, stop and check your breasts. Do this lying down and feeling gently around each breast with your fingertips in a circular motion.

If you are not sure how or are concerned when you do this call us or your trusted health professional and we can help you.

A deeper breast check is vital on a monthly basis. Choose the first of the month to conduct a thorough check.

Breast Health Tips

Prevention is always better than a cure. In addition to regular massage and breast checks, the following tips will help your breast health:

  • Nourish your liver by eating well and staying calm in your life
  • Undertake a daily Sclar massage (oil and details of the massages are available from the clinic)
  • Put Betadine on your feet and breasts daily to boost your iodine levels
  • Have lymphatic drainage massages three to six times a year
  • Go loose without your bra at some point during the day
  • Use safe deodorants that are aluminium free
  • Exercise and swing your arms regularly
  • Jiggle your body daily by lymphasizing for 10-20 minutes

If you have any questions about your breast health or other, please do not hesitate to speak with one of our friendly team at the Banksia Women’s Health Centre.

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